Thursday, April 14, 2011

Barcode check-in app - Beta Testing

Woohoo! *pumps fist*

Yes, thank you, I will use my barcode app. Oh wait, that means it actually has to be done and (mostly) functional. Better get on that!

What need to function for this app to be useful?
  • Scan barcodes and write them to a file - done
  • View barcodes (for verification) - done
  • Email barcodes to Todd - done
I took some time to re-work the menus on this app to use xml files and a MenuInflator instead of building each MenuItem programmatically. I also finally figured out how to use intents to move between Activities within my project (Intent intent = new Intent(this, ViewScans.class);). I still have a problem with going back to a previous Activity if I just came from there, but that's just an annoyance, because it puts another instance of that Activity on the top of the stack. I'm sure there's a better way to deal with this, even if it just means that I re-work the menu options.

After getting everything working, I started thinking about other functionality that I could include in this app - yes, the dreaded "feature creep"! Here's what I came up with:
  • Better way to store settings - email address to send to, default subject line, default storage folder
  • View list of barcode files in a folder
  • Edit barcodes within a file
  • Add a nice icon
Here are some "pie in the sky" features that would be cool, but probably won't happen:
  • Pull the name of the rider associated with a barcode from the GVCC database
  • Option to validate that there are no duplicate barcodes within a file
  • Automatically name files by creation date
Beta testing will commence tonight!

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